3 books to connect some agile dots
Easter break coming up? Here are 3 books that I think can help connect some dots.
“Thinking in Bets” by poker player Annie Duke about how to view decisions as bets and become good at weighing the cost/impact of different alternatives.
“How to Measure Anything” by Douglas Hubbard about becoming good at quantifying uncertainty and risk.
“Age of Agile” by Steve Denning about how agile is a whole new paradigm for running businesses and that we are really only at the dawn of a new era of management.
The dots here is that this whole thing about quantifying and putting a value on uncertainty is something we as agile practitioners must become better at to be able to respond when the CFO asks for an ROI (a reasonable demand).
Steve Denning writes about this in “Age of Agile”, that we need to step up our game and understand that in order to truly have an agile business, that means challenging the very fundamentals of what a business is supposed to be.
Should a company be a predictable profit machine for the share holders or an explorative value seeker for the customer?
(Hint: one of those follow from the other, but not the other way around…)
What do you think?